Istec Academy

Frequently Asked Questions


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Istec members have access to the Istec Academy where you can follow e-learning courses about vibration and speed. These courses are created by our experts and allow members to grow their knowledge and competence regarding specific topics. 

Istec product courses

The Istec Academy also offers courses that covers Istec products. By following these courses you can quickly start using your new product.

Please note:  You need to register your product first to get access to product courses. To register your Istec product you need to become an Istec member as well.

There are several reasons to become an Istec Member. In the member area;

  • you can get access to the Istec Academy to follow e-learning courses about vibration and speed measurements;
  • you can get access to whitepapers;
  • you can request our books Vibration and Speed.

Do you have an Istec product? Then there are even more reasons to become a member, because in the member area you can;

  • register your Istec products to access getting started-courses
  • watch videos to quickly start using your product;
  • join a community of experts to learn from others and to share experiences.

Yes, becoming an Istec Member is free. However, not every course on the Istec Academy is free.

A bookazine is a combination of a book and magazine. Written from our passion for measuring, protecting and analyzing rotating machinery, Istec has published two bookazines: Vibration and Speed.

Bookazine Vibration:

The bookazine Vibration includes case-studies, flowcharts, basic articles, complex articles and more on topics like vibration measurement, condition monitoring, Functional Safety, SIL and more.

Bookazine Speed:

The bookazine Speed includes informative articles about speed measurements and overspeed protection on rotating machinery, Functional Safety, SIL and more.

If you want to delete your account, please send an e-mail to

Vibration courses

Vibration Training Category 1+

The content of this training is created in accordance with the leading industry standard for vibration measurements and analysis (ISO 18436-II CAT1). This norm states which topics should be covered to reach a certain level of expertise.

Category 1 is the first of four categories used in the ISO 18436-II norm to indicate a certain level of expertise regarding vibration measurements and analysis. 

While the basis of our training is created in accordance with the requirements for category 1, we extended the course with practical examples of specific rotating machines and more depth in certain topics. This is why our course is named category 1+.

The Istec Category 1+ certificate is not accredited by the standard for issuing personal certificates (ISO 17024). This does not affect the quality of the course in any way. As the contents of the course are created in accordance with the ISO 18436-2 (CATI) norm and provided by competent vibration specialists (CAT3 & CAT4), we ensured a vibration course to the highest standard.

Conformity over accreditation

We chose conformity over accreditation for multiple reasons:

  1. Costs. We want this vibration course to be accessible to anyone who is interested. This is why we charge a much lower price than our competitors. The accreditation process is expensive, and would therefore have significantly increased the course price.
  2. Value. Accreditation does not affect the value of the course, but simply indicates that a third party has checked the course with the associated ISO standard. This training was tested by a group of 15 independent specialists to ensure its high quality.
  3. Examination. The demands of the norm regarding exam requirements does not allow us to offer the training the way we want it to: completely online and accessible worldwide.

The standard training gives access to all the videos, interactive training questionnaire and a letter of participation. This add up to about 6 hours of training material.

The premium training gives additional access to the official exam, the Istec certificate, our books Vibration and Speed, in-depth knowledge articles, word-list, and the written summary document of the training. This adds up to about 20 hours of training material.

For current pricing, refer to the training page on the Istec website:     

This course is not part of our core business, which is why we do not have a profit motive. As the entire course is pre-recorded and followed online, we are able to cut significant costs of hosting this course. No local presence is required to follow the course, meaning that you can participate anywhere in the world, and at any time that suits you.

The training is available in Q1 2023, after which you can follow the training when it suits you best. So, there are no specific dates at which you have to follow the training. 

If your company requires an official quotation before making a purchase, you can request one by mailing to:

We need the following information to make an official quotation:

Company details

Company name:
House number:
State/Province/Region (optional):
ZIP code:
General phone number:
General email address:
VAT (EU) or TAX identification number (within our CRM this is mandatory in order to be able to complete registration)

Name(s) of the participant(s):

First name:
Last name:
E-mail address ( your company e-mail that will be used to access the training)
Phone number:

Note: If there will be more than one participant we will need the same data for them as well. Every participant will be registered separately!

To adhere to the ISO standard, recertification must take place once every five years. You will be notified once the expiration date of your certificate is near.

Speed courses

Istec product registration

In the membership area you can register the following products: 

  • SpeedSys 200
  • RecipSys 200

By registering your products you gain acces to product e-learning courses. Another reason to register your product is to stay up to date of new (software) updates and best practices.

Yes, a product can be registered by multiple members and is not linked to one specific member. We strongly advice to ask your colleagues or manager to register your Istec product as well to guarantee good information provision within the organization.

Yes, it is possible (and we recommend!) to register all units.